Hal Entertainment is founded by Haruta Katsunori in November 2009.

In his young ages Katsunori worked as video and animation producer, which on his late 30 built his first company Hal Filmmaker.

4 years later, Hal filmmaker turned as one of the biggest animation companies in Japan. In 1997, they made an ova (Original video animation) called Saber Marionette, which few months became very popular in US. After been succeeded with this project Hal Filmmaker started producing animation series for open and cable Tv in Japan and overseas.

Hal filmmaker made more than 20 animations which include ( Angel Sanctuary, Aria and Twin Princesses of the Wonder Planet ). Turn out to be a huge success all over the world, been watched by billions of people. Furthermore Hal Entertainment made Oban Star-Racers which is a a French/Japanese animated television series created by Savin Yeatman-Eiffel of Sav! The World Productions. It aired in more than 70 countries including Japan. In the US the series aired on ABC Family and Jetix/Toondisney.

In 2005, Hal Filmmaker made an agreement with a Chinese company and made a new animation company (Touhouryuu). With the success of animation in China, the chinese government requested to Katsunori to create an animation, manga and video production education plan degree for university of Soushuu.

In 2009, Hal Filmmaker made an association with TYO Animatios. To take challenges, in new fields like TV and music industry, Katsunori created a new company named Hal Entertainment. Right now he is putting effort to make a bridge between Japan and Overseas, bringing new talents and cultures opportunities to japan and vice versa.

Hal Entertainment
With regard to our theme, “to offer happiness to the people all over the world”, we will be starting the construction of global content business, human resource development and excavation of works and talents among Japan and other foreign countries.

Copyright (C) Hal Entertainment CO,INC. All rights reserved.
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